
Jun 18, 2008

15 weeks!

no belly shot till next week! but im happy to have reached this milestone! almost out of my 4th month and i feel like unless pre term or pre E sneaks up on me then im out of the woods and on to have a safe, happy healthy pregnancy! yay! Ive been having a few crampy BH but overall feeling quite well! the meds are working and the HG seems to have been under control! yay. and just a few more weeks till we find out for sure if we are really having a Delilah!


Kristy said...

woohoo! yay for 15 weeks! I hit 16 weeks yesterday, I can't believe how fast it is going. Im just like you, I feel safe now being at this point in the pregnancy. I can't wait for my big us to find out if Im having Tegan or Ezra, and I can't wait to hear if your really having a little girl!! woohoo for ultra sounds!! I can't wait to see a belly shot!

Jamie Lea B said...

Wow time is going by fast,just seems like yesterday you were telling us your pregnant and now your 15weeks already.Im so proud of you.Keep up the good work lol.We love ya.Oh and i dont wanna know what the sex is lol.Put a warning on the blogs that say for me please i wanna be suprised lol.

Kristy said...

lol it sure is hard to get ahold of these belly chimes isn't it?!?! I ordered mine from and got one of the 3 they had left. I LOVE it!!!! I can't wait to see how it effect sweet tart when I have the baby..wonder if they really work like they are said to..hmmm. I can't wait for you to get yours! did you get a heart too? I know there are a few different styles.

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