
Aug 18, 2013

If we build it... he will spin

haha. had to go with the cheese title, but we did need to get Sam a mushroom. They run around $310 plus shipping and look like this

A: We don't have that kind of money laying around...
B: I consider myself pretty crafty

So I took to the internet and found a mom in my situation who built her own, and following her lead. We did too!

Carpet padding - $15
Wood Circle - $10
Vinyl - $7
Wood Glue - $3
Planter -$19
Screws - $5
Staples/Staple Gun - $ Free ( we had one already)

First we traced the wood circle on the carpet padding and cut circles and built them up.
Then with the wood glue we glued them together on the wood board. 

We added on on top to give it a smoother finish

then flipped it upside down on top of the vinyl and started stapling.

The finished dome!

To finish, we screwed the bottom of the planter ( which is a thick plastic one that looks like faux wood) to the bottom of the dome.

And WALA we have our at home ultra dome mushroom.

It is slightly taller than an ultradome and will soon flatten like it should, but all in all, not bad and will get the job done!

I took some animated photos too. haha..

Little video I did

The ever awesome "oops I should catch up" blog post.

So just a little warning, this post will be LONG(ish) as I attempt to play catch up.

I don't even know where to start, so I will try and go by the months...

Feb: February was freaking awesome, why you ask.... because I started work at the best "workplace" EVER. I swear I do not say that sarcastically. I work for CustomInk as a production artists ( a.k.a. graphic designer). What is CustomInk you ask? Check this out. 

So not only do we love our customers, we love our employees! They truly take care of us there, it feels like family! Yes we get catered food 2-3 times a week and of course t-shirts galore, but more than anything we get treated as adults! I have so much fun work, there is never a day when I wake up and grumble that I have to go to work each day, no I get up excited because I GET to go to work each day. I could not be in a better job.

Also, in Feburary, Sam started traveling for his first meet season and boy was it quite a year:

Our view from the hotel in Oakland

While there we got to take a mini holiday in San Fransico

We had a few meets in Feburary and it was his first time getting a top spot on the podium

of course the team won first too

March: March was filled with work and school and gym.... work and school and gym.... repeat haha...

Sam continued to flourish and ended the season on top and as we head into this year he is a LEVEL 5 Future star! Its a big deal and man oh man do we have our work cut out for us!  

And of course we celebrated easter

April:  April brought fun times at work and home 

and of course finishing up my last projects for school

May: May was awesome for 1 reason only! I GRADUATED!  Finally after all these years its over!

Not the most flattering look (that gown) but dude we killed it in the cap department! I was 225c HOT PINK!

JUNE: June was HOT first and filled with fun activities

Company picnic.

Drive-In days

Victory in the supreme court

and I got a new nephew

July: was some more repeating (minus the baby part)  with the added bonus of my brother coming home on leave and surprising my mom


Which brings us to AUGUST:

The kids went back to school last week and you know what that means? MORE BLOGGING! haha I hope you made it through this long post and come back for more!

Jan 14, 2013

Goodbye Gluten

So I know it seems as though we are always trying new things with diet, keto (fail) low carb (fail) but this time the diet change has nothing to do with weight. It's known that I have an autoimmune disease that has yet to make itself clear. I don't have all the markers for Lupus, and I don't quite fit the fibro mold either. So what to do? I have been having horrible flare ups and my body aches and aches, I am beyond tired and just want to feel better. So on with the google search. I did not want to even think about giving up gluten. I LOVE MY BREAD and cookies and pasta and did I mention cookies. While researching I found out that I pretty much match up to gluten intolerance or celiac pretty darn close. I have NOT been diagnose or tested at this point with celiacs. I also found out that a family member has been dealing with the same issues as me and 6 months ago made the decision to cut gluten. She has noticed a marked improvement in symptoms and that was just the push I needed to give it a go. 

Tom is on board and so goes the kids. I would rather catch it early with them now anyhow. So we have gone on our first shopping excursion and although the price was high, we think we will manage. We are used to paying a bit more for organic options so this was just adding more on the things like pretzels and flour. ( I don't bake much so I think it will go far). We went through the pantry and are slowly phasing out all the gluten. We are trying to finish up the cereal and soups we have now as we just cant afford to be wasteful. I imagine my the next few weeks we will be 100% gluten free. 

I know its a challenge and it wont be easy. Sams hot lunch system at school does not offer GF meals (although they do offer vegan) and thus the grocery bill will increase with me packing his lunch every day. Thank goodness I have a fruit and veggie eater ;) 

So lets see where this takes us and if my gut (no pun intended....maybe) is right then I should start to feel better. If you are one of the 3 people who actually read this blog, let me know if you have any tips from either yourself or your friends and family. 

Until next time.

Jan 2, 2013

2012 year in review

Well it's been a busy year with loads of changes. I don't want to bore anyone so ill try and be swift. It was a big emotional year filled with ups and downs and lots if "moves".

Moved on from trying to have another baby.
Moved on from my internship.
Almost moved to Seattle
Sam moved up to the competitive gymnastics team.
Moved onto graduating this coming year.
Moved and changed and learned from the universe.
And finally moved into a new house which included moving to new school.

I feel like this year was the start of moving on. No more TTC, that ship has sailed and it's time to focus on my kids future which includes traveling for the start of Sams gymnastics career. Finding Delilah's passion (maybe ballet?) and focusing on their Academia. Sam is at one of the top schools in reno and I can't believe how smart he is.

I'll be finishing school this semester and will be graduating in May. So let the job hunt begin!

Some pretty big changes in my beliefs, which will have to be discussed at a later date when I'm ready to deal with the backlash and comments. For now though I'd like to let it be what it is. But rest assured I've never felt better or happier and "clearer" (is that a word?) and closer to the ones I love. I cannot wait to see what 2013 brings!