
Apr 18, 2008


I know its only friday but man I cant wait till monday gets here! im going insane. really. I keep telling myself something is wrong. If I cramp too much or not enough or if I happen to feel better instead of nauseous then I get sad. if my bbs dont hurt enough.. im pinching them just to see if they still hurt! Im so scared that Ill go in on monday and have them not find the baby! I know Ive been super nauseous so it seems as though everything is okay.. but I cant help with all the what ifs! This weekend Im going to moms for a mother daughter breakfast.. with my sister and my brothers gf and her mom at the church. so thankfully the weekend will be keeping me busy. but man my appt isnt till 430 so its going to drag on monday! anyhow. Just obsessing like usual and worrying like usual!


Kristy said...

everything will be fine sweetie, you and your little miracle are in God's hands. I will continue to pray that he keeps his hands on your womb and craddles that little baby nice and snug :) Dont freak yourself out with symptoms. I dont cramp at all, my boobs are giant but only hurt certain days and my estrogen in the 2000's! Just keep your faith strong :) Im always here for you if you need a pep talk ;) just an im away!!

Kristy said...

go to my page and read "words to always remember" it is soo true and it always gets me by when im feeling weak and down.

Jamie Lea B said...

Just dont worry so much I know easier said then done.We all are pulling for a hapy healthy 9months and I am sure it will be.Looking forward to monday to see u/s pics love ya oodles!

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