
Feb 14, 2008

U/S went well

My cysts are gone and my linig is still at a 7 but he is confident it will go back down! I get to start the femara tonight and have a lovely post coitel test on the 22nd if I have a Pos OPK! and trigger around the 25th! so here we go again!!! fun fun! Im off to have some margaritas and fajitas at my bothers party! ttyl


Jamie Lea B said...

Im am soo jeolous I want a margarita lol...I still have 2 more weeks of b/c da dam dam.So goodluck I will be rooting for ya!

Kristy said...

woohooo!!! yay! Im so happy to hear the cycsts are all gone and that your ready for another round!!! come on pos opk, bring that bfp!! you can do it girlie!!!

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